Almighty God Saved Me, a Blind and Ignorant Person

Li Jinzhi

Fuxin City, Liaoning Province

In May 1990, I accepted Jesus in the Three-Self sect because of illness. In 1993, I turned to the Church of Truth and later became a junior leader there.

The Church of Almighty God | Almighty God’s Word Conquered My Hardened Heart

Fan Ni

Rizhao City, Shandong Province

The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning,Hymns
In autumn of 2001, I went back home for the National Day holiday. Before I arrived at home, I heard from a classmate that now there was a very powerful “heresy” called the “Eastern Lightning,” and my mother had been “deceived” by it for seven months. At the news, I was overwhelmed with anxiety, and I hurried to my uncle’s home (who was a preacher I adored).

Only Almighty God’s Word Can Save Me

Xiao Lian

Xuancheng City, Anhui Province

Since I believed in Jesus, I had often read the Bible and memorized its verses, and the Bible had become my faithful companion. I held the view that God could only be found in the Bible, God would never work beyond the Bible, and whoever departed from the Bible was not a believer in God. So, for fifteen years, I took the Bible as the treasure, and I even put it at the head of my bed when I slept at night, which in my view meant that God would be with me. However, I had never expected that when God’s work of the last days came upon me, I resisted and condemned it with the Bible for six years, and actually became a Pharisee of the present age.
I remembered that one day in 1996, a sister came to preach Almighty God’s gospel of the last days to me. But before she finished her words, I said, “It’s false. Who doesn’t read the Bible as a believer in God? Go away! I won’t believe in anything apart from the Bible.” With that, I pushed her out of the door. Later, many more people came to preach the gospel of the last days to me, but I held fast to the Bible and drove all of them away without seeking or investigating.
In March 2002, a brother I was familiar with came to my home and preached the gospel to me. Just a little while after he started to talk, I stopped him and said, “How come you also believed in the God who works outside the Bible?” Then I ignored him and gave him the cold shoulder. But he continued to fellowship with me patiently. He said a lot, yet I didn’t take in anything. And I thought, “Anyway, I won’t be deceived by you.” Later, he urged me repeatedly to read the book of God’s word, but I said impatiently, “Except for the Bible, I won’t read anything!” Just then, my child said, “Mum, you should read it, or you won’t know if it’s true or false!” At his words, my heart skipped a beat. “How could a child speak such words? Could it be the Lord’s will?” I was afraid to disobey the Lord’s guidance, so I took the book from the brother’s hand and read it. And I saw these words: “After the work of Jehovah, Jesus became flesh to do His work amongst man. His work was not carried out in isolation, but built upon the work of Jehovah. It was work for a new age after God had concluded the Age of Law. Similarly, after the work of Jesus ended, God still continued His work for the next age, because the entire management of God is always progressing forward. When the old age passes, it will be replaced by a new age, and once the old work has been completed, a new work will continue the management of God. This incarnation is God’s second incarnation following the completion of Jesus’ work. Of course, this incarnation does not occur independently, but is the third stage of work after the Age of Law and the Age of Grace.” “If people remain in the Age of Grace, then they shall never be free of their corrupt disposition, let alone know the inherent disposition of God. If people always live among an abundance of grace but without the way of life that allows them to know God and satisfy God, then they shall never truly gain Him[a]. What a pitiful form of belief that is. When you have finished reading this book, when you have experienced each step of the work of God incarnate in the Age of Kingdom, you will feel that the hopes of many years have finally been realized. You will feel that only now have you truly seen God face-to-face; only now have you gazed upon the face of God, heard the personal utterance of God, appreciated the wisdom of God’s work, and truly sensed how real and almighty God is. You will sense that you have gained many things that people of times past have never seen or possessed. At this time, you will clearly know what it is to believe in God, and what it is to be after God’s heart. Of course, if you cling to views of the past, and reject or deny the fact of the second incarnation of God, then you shall remain empty-handed and acquire nothing, and ultimately be guilty of opposing God.” After reading those words, I was greatly shocked: Has God really done a new work outside the Bible? So I prayed silently in my heart, “O God! I don’t want to be left with empty hands and gain nothing in believing in You. If this is really Your work, please enlighten me so that I can understand Your will. I’ll accept it if it is the true way.” Then I asked the brother to continue his fellowship.
The brother read me John 5:39-40, which says, “Search the scriptures; for in them you think you have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me. And you will not come to me, that you might have life.” And he said, “Jesus said these words with a certain background. At that time, the Lord Jesus preached many truths, but the Pharisees and the Jews didn’t accept them. Instead, they measured Jesus’ words against the scriptures, held fast to the letters of the Scripture, and accused the Lord of taking God’s name in vain and sought to kill Him. (John 5:18) So, the Lord Jesus said those words, which mean that there is no eternal life in the Bible, the Bible only testifies of the Lord, and one can only have life (eternal life) if he comes to Jesus, for God is the source of life. In John 3:16, it says, ‘For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.’ Jesus meant that whoever believes in Him will have everlasting life but not that whoever believes in the Bible will have everlasting life. So, that there is eternal life in the Bible is our conception and imagination. It’s actually a misunderstanding of God’s will.” Hearing his words, I was suddenly enlightened. “I’ve believed for so many years that there is eternal life in the Bible. Actually Jesus has already told us that there is no eternal life in the Bible, the Bible is only God’s testimony, and only God Himself is the source of life. Thank God for His enlightenment! I’ve blindly believed in the Bible for over ten years. Only now have I known this secret.” The brother continued, “Almighty God has unlocked all the mysteries. If you read His word with a seeking heart, you will know all these.” So, I continued to read the book, in which I saw these words: “You all need to understand the Bible—it is very necessary that you do so. Today, you don’t need to read the Bible any longer, for there is nothing new in it; it’s all outdated. The Bible is a history book. If during the Age of Grace you were to eat and drink the Old Testament, practicing the requirements of the Old Testament age, then Jesus would forsake you, condemn you. If you had tried to impose the Old Testament on Jesus’ work, you would have been called a Pharisee. And so today, if you eat and drink and practice the Old and New Testaments, then the God of today will condemn you; you cannot keep pace with the work of the Holy Spirit today. If you eat the Old and New Testaments, then you are one outside the stream of the Holy Spirit. In Jesus’ day, He led the Jews and all those who followed Him according to the work of the Holy Spirit in Him. He did not look to the Bible for evidence, but spoke as His work dictated. He did not concern Himself with what the Bible said, did not lead His followers down a path found in the Bible. From the very beginning, He preached the way of repentance, and the word ‘repentance’ was not mentioned at all in all the prophecies in the Old Testament. Not only did He not follow the Bible, He brought forth a new path and did a new work. He did not make reference to the Bible when He preached, and the miracles He worked—healing the sick, casting out demons—had never been performed by men during the Age of Law. No one in the Age of Law did the work He did, taught those lessons, had that authority. He simply did His new work, though many people condemned Him, even crucified Him, by using the Bible. His work went beyond the Old Testament; if that had not been the case, why would they have nailed Him to the cross? Was it not because His teachings, His power to cure the sick and cast out demons, had never been recorded in the Old Testament? The work of Jesus was to bring forth a new path; He did not deliberately set out to ‘wage war’ against the Bible or abolish the Old Testament, but simply performed His ministry, bringing the new work to those who thirsted for Him and sought Him out.” After reading these words, I felt more brightened in my heart. “Thank and praise Almighty God! I see that I was so blind and ignorant. I have believed in God for many years, yet I didn’t know God’s work at all. I measured God’s new work against His old work, and condemned it to be wrong when I failed to find harmony between them. I was too arrogant and senseless!” Every word of God exposed my state, and I felt ashamed and disgraced. But at the same time, I was deeply attracted by them. I continued to read eagerly. God says: “Must God’s work obey any rules? Does He need to follow the words of prophets? Which is greater, the Bible or God? Why must God’s work be in line with the Bible? Is it really not within His right to stand above the Bible? Can He not depart from it and do other work? Why did Jesus and His disciples not observe the Sabbath? … You must know which came first, God, or the Bible? As He is the Lord of the Sabbath, can’t He also be the Lord of the Bible?” “Yes! God is the Ruler of all things and is the source of life. Can He be restricted by the Bible in doing His work? How can the Bible be equaled to God? I’m only a small created being. How can I circumscribe God’s work?” God’s words convinced me and completely changed my attitude toward the Bible, which I had held for many years.
Then, I also understood the real meaning of the analogy in Matthew 9:14-17 that “the new does not match the old.” Through this analogy, God warned people: If one does not drop his old notions, he cannot accept God’s new work and much less gain the blessings and grace brought by God’s new work, for God’s work is done in stages and progresses all the time, and with God’s work, there is only the matter of time sequence and there is no matter of right or wrong. I also remembered what happened to the scribes and the Pharisees of that time. Wasn’t it because they didn’t know God’s substance and held fast to the letters of the Scripture that they measured the Lord Jesus against the Old Testament? And wasn’t it because they couldn’t find harmony between the Lord Jesus’ teachings and the Old Testament that they thought the Lord Jesus went against Jehovah’s teachings? In order to safeguard Jehovah’s law and uphold the dignity of the Scripture as well as their own position, they crucified the Lord Jesus, who outwardly didn’t match the One prophesied in the Old Testament. Thus they committed a sin that would not be forgiven in that age or in the age to come. Although they had seen the Lord Jesus perform so many miracles, they were still hardened in their hearts as if they were calloused, and couldn’t know from the Lord Jesus’ work and word that He was Messiah whom they had longed for day and night, but held fast to the letters of the Scripture and resisted the Lord Jesus. Finally, they suffered the seven woes the Lord Jesus condemned them with. Thinking of those, I was afraid and excited. I was afraid because I had resisted God and played the role of the Pharisees; I was excited because I understood many truths that I hadn’t understood before. I knew that actually there was no life in the Bible, the Bible was only a record of the work God had done, it was only a book of history and prophecy, and it could not save man. And I also knew what it meant to stick to the old things and keep regulations. At that time, I felt extremely remorseful. With regretful tears in my eyes, I knelt before God and prayed, “Almighty God! I’m too foolish and ignorant! I believe in You yet I didn’t know You. I even resisted You and worshiped the Bible as You. I circumscribed You within the Bible and didn’t seek Your today’s footsteps or know Your present will. I’m too blind. I resisted You and rejected You again and again in the past six years. Yet You didn’t treat me according to my transgressions but still loved me and waited for me to turn back. Today, I have finally recognized Your voice. O God! I thank You that You have saved me and brought me back to You. From now on, I will follow Your footsteps closely and cooperate with You with all my might to preach Your salvation of the last days to those brothers and sisters who have circumscribed You within the Bible. I will let them know that the Bible cannot save man and only the word You have expressed in the last days can save man, so that they can turn from the wrong path and come back to You earlier. Only You are the source of man’s life.”
Dear spiritual brothers and sisters of all denominations and sects, if we want to gain life, we have to accept Almighty God’s leading today. We have to enter the present work of God and exert our efforts to pursue all the truths that Almighty God has brought from heaven, for only these truths can save us and purify us. This is just as God says: “Know that the words of books do not count as life, the records of history cannot be feted as the truth, and the doctrines of the past cannot serve as an account of words presently spoken by God. Only that which is expressed by God when He comes to earth and lives among man is the truth, life, God’s will, and His actual manner of working.”

The Church of Almighty God | Almighty God’s Love Melted My Long-frozen Heart

Zhang Zhongyou

Shenyang City, Liaoning Province

The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, Christians
I am from Shenyang City, and was a leader of the True Jesus Church. In 1995, a flood brought our family business to the verge of breakdown, so I went to a Christian church to seek a tower of strength. In the second half of 1996, I entered the True Jesus Church. After I joined this Church where believers prayed in tongues, I felt sure it was the only Church which had the sealing of the Holy Spirit and the proof of entering the kingdom of heaven, and that it was the ark of the last days, into which all other denominations will be integrated in the future. In 1997, I returned to my hometown to preach the gospel and establish the church, and the number of believers rapidly increased to more than forty.

The Church of Almighty God | Almighty God’s Word Saved Me

Chen Wenge

Benxi City, Liaoning Province

The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, The Bible

I was once a preacher in the True Jesus Church. In October 1998, I accepted Almighty God’s gospel of the last days. When I knew that Almighty God I had resisted and slandered was the returned Savior Jesus whom I had been eagerly waiting for, I was very regretful and hated myself for being arrogant and not seeking the truth and thus becoming a Pharisee of the present age. It was Almighty God’s word that saved me and made me step onto the right track of believing in God and start a true human life.

Almighty God Saved My Family

Zhen Xia

Xianyang City, Shaanxi Province

The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning,Holy Spirit
I, once a deacon and preacher in the True Jesus Church, did many things to resist Almighty God because of my foolishness and callousness. However, my evil doings didn’t hinder the step of God’s work, but instead brought upon me an unexpected punishment. Finally, after some setbacks, my family returned to God’s throne due to His call of love…

The Church of Almighty God | How I Accepted Almighty God’s New Work

Wang Xiufang

Fushun City, Liaoning Province

The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, Church
In 1991, I believed in the Lord Jesus in the Seven-day Adventist Church. The church was greatly revived in the first couple of years. The number of the believers gradually increased, and at peak time, it reached several thousand. As a co-worker of the church, I busied myself working for the Lord every day, waiting for the Lord’s advent.
After the year 2000, I found the situation of the church began to deteriorate. The brothers and sisters lost their love and faith gradually. Not only I was weak and feeble, unable to give nourishing messages, but other preachers also repeated the same messages. The believers were tired of those preachings and attended the meetings reluctantly. Later, some simply arrived at ten o’clock though the meeting started at eight, and many dozed during the preaching. At the same time, more and more evil things occurred in the church. Some preachers went back to the world because of this. Some preachers and leaders even committed adultery and squandered the church money, and their expenditures couldn’t match the record in the account book. To scramble for power and profit, the leaders used many means to exclude each other, attack each other, and form cliques. The believers weren’t sincere to each other anymore, and they all guarded against each other and watched each other to prevent themselves from suffering loss. How could this be a church redeemed by the Lord Jesus’ precious blood? I didn’t understand why the church fell into such a state and why it was more and more tiring to believe in the Lord. I prayed to the Lord again and again, “O Lord! May You purify our church and illuminate the brothers and sisters. May You revive it and bestow on us faith and power to follow You…” However, no matter how I prayed, the church wasn’t recovered.
Then, a series of disasters happened on the Sabbaths: A preacher was hit by a car on his way back from preaching and was bedridden ever since; a preacher’s husband died in a car accident; the son of an elderly sister was killed, and so on. It should be that “if a person believes in the Lord, his whole household will be blessed,” and “the Sabbath should be the day for God to bestow blessings.” But now we had disasters on the Sabbaths instead. All this showed that we had really lost God’s care and keeping. I didn’t understand why God hid His face from us. Meanwhile, the brothers and sisters of the “Eastern Lightning” continuously came to our church and the believers’ homes to preach the gospel of the last days. We never treated them kindly, but just abused them or beat them. However, they never got angry or lost heart, but kept running around and exhorting us patiently with a smile. Even the bitter cold, scorching heat, or heavy rain or snow couldn’t hinder their steps. I remember that in one year they came to preach the gospel to us as usual even on the “first day of the Spring Festival.” Indeed, holidays and weathers never stopped them. By contrast, the brothers and sisters in our church were already at home celebrating the festival. Looking around the empty church, I was lost in thought, “How nice it would be if we could be like them!” I was really impressed by their faith and love. I often pondered, “We all say that they have gone astray and have believed in an evil spirit. However, the peace, goodness, meekness, kindness, joy, and patience they live out are all from God! They are all the fruit of the Spirit! But none of what we did to them, cursing, condemning, beating, or calling the police, is in accordance with the Bible’s teaching! Aren’t we the great whore if we are joined with the government?” I sank into a great confusion.
Just when I was at a loss how to revive the desolate church and felt greatly puzzled about the “Eastern Lightning,” my husband brought the gospel back home. One day in June 2002, he came back with a book of Almighty God’s word. He said to me, “For three years, we have been running around holding big or small revival meetings and trying many other ways to revive the church. But instead of being revived, the church lost God’s keeping and became more and more desolate. The Scripture says, ‘Except the LORD build the house, they labor in vain that build it: except the LORD keep the city, the watchman wakes but in vain.’ (Psalms 127:1) The fact shows that the Holy Spirit has stopped working in our church. In the beginning, there was Jehovah’s glory in the temple. But when Jesus began to work, the temple lost God’s care and keeping and became a den of thieves. That was because the Holy Spirit’s work had moved forward and God had done a new work. When the new work starts to prosper, the old work becomes desolate. Now our church is desolate because God has done a new work. As we refused to accept it and even slandered and attacked it after hearing the message, our church is in such a mess today. Before, we didn’t understand why the brothers and sisters of the ‘Eastern Lightning’ have so much faith and love and give up everything to preach the gospel of the last days. Now I know the reason. It’s because after they accept Almighty God’s new work, they have kept pace with the Holy Spirit’s work and have the work of the Holy Spirit. Their power comes from God—Almighty God! This is a true picture of Amos 4:7: ‘And also I have withheld the rain from you, when there were yet three months to the harvest: and I caused it to rain on one city, and caused it not to rain on another city: one piece was rained on, and the piece whereupon it rained not withered.’ The ‘rain’ here refers to the Holy Spirit, and the ‘city’ refers to the church. They are now in the city where it rains, but we are in the city where it doesn’t. Isn’t it true? …” What he said accorded with the Bible and the actual situation of the church. And from his words, I understood why God hid His face from us. But then I thought, “If the ‘Eastern Lightning’ is the true way, why do they break others’ legs when they don’t accept their way?” So I asked, “According to what you said, the ‘Eastern Lightning’ is the true way. But in Guard Against the Eastern Lightning it says that if one doesn’t accept their way, they will break his arms or legs. How do you explain that?” “Those are all rumors!” said my husband angrily, “We didn’t see the fact either, but haven’t we also said many groundless words to frighten the brothers and sisters?” His words reminded me. Yes, I did spread the words in the booklets, such as “they will beat you to death if you want to drop out after accepting their way.” So I was rendered speechless. He continued, “Before, we held fast to the Bible and took the Bible as God. We thought that God couldn’t do anything beyond the Bible. Does God have to consult us, men less than an ant, when doing things? Is God greater or the Bible? Are we believing in God or the Bible?” “Right! I’m believing in God. If God has done a new work, I must follow Him.” But when I picked up the book of Almighty God’s word, I suddenly remembered what was said in the adverse materials, “That book is long-winded, full of words of rebuke; they couldn’t be God’s words at all.” So I hesitated again. “I shouldn’t believe it easily, lest I be deceived.”
Several days later, I met several brothers who preached Almighty God at a sister’s home. During the fellowship, I openly put forward my view that “God shouldn’t say words of rebuke and shouldn’t be long-winded.” One brother opened the Bible and read Matthew 16:23 and 23:33, and then said to me, “In Matthew 16:23, Jesus said that Peter was Satan, and in Matthew 23:33, He called the Pharisees vipers. Aren’t those words of rebuke? Can we say that Jesus is not the Lord then? Do you know why Jesus spoke in that way?” I was tongue-tied. I thought to myself, “I have believed in the Lord for so many years, but I have never thought about this.” The brother continued, “These stern words of the Lord Jesus were directed at man’s satanic poison of resisting and disobeying God within him. Satan wanted to make use of Peter’s fleshly emotion for Jesus to hinder Jesus from going to the cross and thus ruin God’s plan. But Peter didn’t know it. So the Lord Jesus directly exposed Satan’s scheme, so that Peter could know about it. The Pharisees held on to the law and resisted Jesus’ work. And they tested Jesus by sending people to question Him in an oblique way, attempting to get a handle against Him. They acted one way in public and another in private. Didn’t it show that they were crooked and crafty? So, Jesus said that they were vipers, which was exactly their substance. The reason why we have this notion is that we know too little of God’s disposition. We know that God is love and mercy and is gentle and patient. But we shouldn’t forget that God’s disposition also includes majesty, wrath, righteousness, holiness, and hatred for all evils. God is not only the living water, but also a consuming fire that purifies man. So, we shouldn’t understand God’s words literally, but should know their deep meaning!” Then the brother opened the book of God’s word and asked me to read these words: “Today it is different from before. Today when He saves you, it is the last days to divide people into their kinds, and He does not save you by means of mercy and lovingkindness but saves mankind more thoroughly by chastisement and judgment. So, all that you receive is chastisement and judgment and merciless smiting. But you should know that there is not the slightest punishment in such merciless smiting. No matter how stern My words are, what comes to you is only a few words devoid of human kindness in your eyes. No matter how great My anger is, what comes to you is still words of teaching, and I do not have any intention to hurt you nor have the intention to put you to death. Aren’t all these facts?” “Although the words I speak are stern, they all are salvation to people, because I only speak words but do not punish people’s flesh. These words cause all people to live in the light, know the existence of the light, realize the preciousness of the light, and even more know that these words are of great benefit to man and know that God is salvation. Although I have spoken many words of chastisement and judgment, no facts have come to you. I have come just to do the work, just to speak. Although My words are stern, I speak them to judge your corruption and disobedience. My purpose in doing so is still to save people from Satan’s domain, that is, to save people with the word, not to hurt people with the word. I speak stern words for achieving the results of the work. Only if I do the work this way can people know themselves and break away from their disobedient disposition. The greatest significance of the work of the word is to enable people to practice the truth on the precondition of understanding the truth, so that they can be transformed in their disposition and can know themselves and God’s work.”
From God’s words I understood that whether God’s words are gentle or stern, they are for saving men. No matter in what way God says them, they are the manifestation of God’s love. I also read these words of God: “Even today, your transgressions and disobediences are still too many to count. So, it is no wonder that I am always nagging before you. I do not want to be with you like this, but for the sake of your future and your destination, I will still nag once again here. I hope that you will understand and even more hope that you all can believe every word I speak, much more understand My deep meaning from My words.” After reading God’s motherly words, I was speechless. “God exhorts and persuades us earnestly and patiently for the purpose that we can have a better destination. But I was full of notions about God’s word and refused to listen to it and dared not read it. I really grieved God too much! Today, after hearing God’s words, I understand God’s thoughtful and kind intention in speaking this way and see that I am really disobedient and unworthy of God’s salvation.” God’s words removed my notions and made me certain that this is God’s voice of loving and saving man. I thanked Almighty God that He opened my heart so that I could accept His new work.
After my husband and I accepted Almighty God, the believers of our former denomination came to my home one after another to persuade us. One day, while my husband was outside preaching the gospel, more than ten of them came to my home and asked me where he had gone. I said, “He didn’t tell me.” Instantly, the room was in an uproar. “He’s finished. He has been kidnapped.” “They can do anything to him!” … An elderly sister plumped herself down on the floor and sobbed as she slapped her thigh, “My child! You must come back alive!” At that time, my elder sister came with several other sisters, her eyes red and swollen. Upon seeing me, she gnashed her teeth and raised her hand high to beat me. Someone held her, and then she cried aloud sadly, “Why don’t you believe in something else? Why do you believe in the ‘Eastern Lightning’?” Everyone in the room began to weep, and the room was filled with cries. “Probably the rumor that ‘her husband has been kidnapped’ will be spread everywhere from now. And many people will believe it to be true.” I thought to myself when I saw the scene. And I knew more clearly how the rumors were made up. At that time, I hated myself bitterly. “Because I had no discernment and followed others in spreading rumors and even made up rumors, the brothers and sisters who are ignorant of the fact have misunderstandings about Almighty God and would rather die than believe in Almighty God. I ruined their life. We fabricators of the rumors really should deserve to be cursed to death by God.” Thinking of this, I really wanted to slap myself hard. Tears of regret flowed down my face. “O Almighty God! I was so ignorant and blind. I followed others to condemn Your work and fabricated lies to slander Your coming. I hindered the brothers and sisters from accepting Your new work. I’m really guilty of the most heinous sin. Today, You didn’t condemn me according to what I did, but still gave me the opportunity to be saved. Your love for me is really so great! I will not disappoint Your grace of salvation. I will make up for my past indebtedness to You by what I do.”
Dear brothers and sisters and co-workers in the Lord, we are all expecting the Lord’s coming. Almighty God is exactly the returned Lord Jesus. Our hope has already been realized! Even though it does not accord with our imagination, it is the fact. Now the cry “the bridegroom comes” can be heard all over Mainland China. If you are a seeker of God, you should ponder it, investigate it, and accept it, and this is the best choice.

Almighty God Saved Me

Wang Haijun

Shenyang City, Liaoning Province

I. Resisting the Lord Blindly Because of Listening to the Rumors and Believing the Lies
Shutting the Door on the Lord in order to “Guard the Church” and “Defend the Way”
The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning,The BibleMy name is Wang Haijun. I was a preacher of the Justification by Faith Church. Like other brothers and sisters, I believed in God in order to go to heaven and gain eternal life, and I labored and worked in serving God in order to gain the crown of righteousness. But while I was desperately yearning for the Lord to return and reward me, I believed the rumors and shut the door on the Lord because of my foolishness and ignorance, becoming an opponent of God.

The Church of Almighty God | Seek the True Way | Gospel Movie "From the Throne Flows the Water of Life"

Tao Wei was formally a preacher of a house church. The church was faced with the deteriorating famine. Her spirit was dry and dark. She felt perplexed and confused: The word of the Lord is the living water of life which can nourish our life and provide our needs. However, why are we human beings not able to feel the work of the Holy Spirit when reading the word of the Lord? Why does the Lord not work in the religious world? Has His work moved? Has He appeared and pursued His work in another place? … Tao Wei was eager to find out the answers, and yearned to receive the supply of the living water of life. She sought the appearance and work of God with brothers and sisters. They finally found the Church of Almighty God, and had fellowships and debates with the preachers from the Church of Almighty God. … Could they find the source of the living water of life in the Church of Almighty God? Were they able to receive the water of life flowing from the throne? 
Source: Seek the True Way | Gospel Movie "From the Throne Flows the Water of Life"

The Church of Almighty God Returning Justice to the Truth

Pan Jie

Taiyuan City, Shaanxi Province

The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, Christians
I was formerly an elder of the Local Church. Because I held on to my arrogant and erroneous views and because I was deceived by the rumors, I developed a great hatred for the Almighty God and collected materials to attack the work of God many times. However, God did not remember my monstrous sins, but spared me with his great patience and love and led me onto the right path of human life.

The Church of Almighty God | Questions and Answers About Why the True Way Is Persecuted

Question 3: The government has labeled the “Eastern Lightning” as an illegal cult. This crackdown is severe now. You can’t believe any more, or you’ll be asking for trouble.
The Church of Almighty God,Eastern Lightning, Lord Jesus

Answer: The CCP are atheists. No one opposes God or hates the truth more than them. They’ve designated all churches and groups that believe in the true God as illegal cults. Also, they’ve openly labeled the Bible as a cult book. This is public knowledge. Besides, we’ve suffered so much persecution over the years, just for believing in Jesus. Many preachers and Christians have been tortured to death or jailed.

The Church of Almighty God | Questions and Answers About Why the True Way Is Persecuted

Question 2: You testify the “Eastern Lightning” is the true way, how can you prove that? Our faith in Jesus is because Jesus can redeem us all. What proof do you have to show that the “Eastern Lightning” is the true way?

The Church of Almighty God | Questions and Answers About Why the True Way Is Persecuted

Question 1: If the “Eastern Lightning” is the true way, why is the CCP government so against them? Why do religious leaders condemn them with such fervor? The pastors and elders receive much persecution from the government too. So when they tell us about the “Eastern Lightning,” why would such servants of God have the same opinions and attitudes as those of the CCP government? What’s the reason behind this?

AnswerThe Bible says, “the whole world lies in wickedness” (1 John 5:19). The Lord Jesus also said, “This is an evil generation” (Luke 11:29). So, to what extent has the world now become evil and dark?

I Was Conquered by Almighty God’s Word During My Resisting Him

Li Jun

Shuangyashan City, Heilongjiang Province

I was formerly a key co-worker of the Justification by Faith Church, and I lived in Shuangyashan City. In 1992, I turned to the Lord Jesus because of my wife’s long-term illness. Not long afterward, my wife gradually grew better, and a year later she recovered. To repay the Lord’s love, my wife and I pursued hard, and we never lagged behind in attending meetings and preaching the gospel. Later, I was assigned by our church to work in other places and support the churches there all year round. At that time, I was full of enthusiasm and felt that believing in the Lord was the most meaningful thing and at no time would I leave the Lord.

The Churh of Almighty God | The Conversion of a Son of Disobedience

Li Baosen

Tieling City, Liaoning Province

The Church of Almighty God, Easter Lightning, Holy Spirit
Tieling City, Liaoning Province
In the fall of 1996, I accepted the Lord Jesus in the True Jesus Church. Later, I became a preacher, responsible for shepherding over thirty churches in my parish.
At a co-worker meeting in 1999, Elder Li from Shenyang said to us, “In recent years, there has arisen a sect called ‘Eastern Lightning.’

You Must Know That Only Almighty God Is the One True God Who Created the Heavens and the Earth and Everything in Them

Almighty God Is the Returned Jesus.

Relevant Words of God:

Lord Jesus, The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning is incarnated in the Chinese mainland, what the compatriots in Hong Kong and Taiwan call the inland. When God came from above to the earth, no one in heaven and earth knew about it, for this is the true meaning of God returning in a concealed fashion. He has been in the flesh working and living for a long time, yet no one has known about it. Even to this day, no one recognizes it. Perhaps this will remain an eternal riddle. God’s coming into flesh this time is not something anyone is able to be aware of. No matter how large-scale and powerful the Spirit’s work, God always stays composed, never giving Himself away.

The Origin and Development of the Church of Almighty God

In the Age of Grace, the Lord Jesus promised to His followers, “And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you to myself; that where I am, there you may be also.” (John 14:3) He also prophesied, “For as the lightning comes out of the east, and shines even to the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.

The Church of Almighty God | The Hymn of God's Word "How Important God’s Love for Man Is"

Accompaniment: The scene painted in the Bible “God’s command to Adam” is both touching and heartwarming. Although the picture contains only God and man, the relationship between the two is so intimate we start to feel wonder, wonder and admiration.
🌹God’s love overflowing is freely given to man, God’s love is around him. Man, innocent and pure, without a care to tie him down, lives in bliss in the eyes of God. God takes care of man, and man lives under His wings. All that man does, all his words and deeds, are bound up with God, can’t be apart.
🌹From the first moment God created the human race, God had them in His charge. What kind of charge is that? It’s for Him to protect man and to watch over man. He hopes for man to trust in, to trust in and obey His words. This was the first thing God expected of the human race.
🌹Bearing this first hope, God spoke the following words: “Of every tree of the garden you may freely eat: But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, good and evil, you shall not eat of it: for in the day that you eat thereof you shall surely die.” These simple words, standing for God’s will, show that concern for man was already in His heart.
🌹So, in these simple words, we see what’s in God’s heart. Is there love in His heart? Isn’t there care and concern? God’s love and care is something that can be both felt and sensed. If you are a person of conscience and with humanity, you will feel warm, being cared for and loved, you will feel blessed with happiness.
🌹When you feel these things, how will you act towards God? Will you cleave to Him? Will reverential love, will reverential love not grow in your heart? Will your heart draw close to Him? From this we see, how important God’s love for man is. But even more important than this is that man can feel and comprehend God’s love.
from “God’s Work, God’s Disposition, and God Himself (1)” in A Continuation of The Word Appears in the Flesh

Why is it that the church of Almighty God has become more and more prosperous while the churches of the Age of Grace are all so desolate?

The answer from God’s word:
“The clearest expression of the Holy Spirit’s work is in embracing the here and now, not clinging to the past. Those who have not kept up with the work of today, and who have become separated from the practice of today, are those who oppose and do not accept the work of the Holy Spirit. Such people defy the present work of God. Though they hold onto the light of the past, this does not mean it is possible to deny that they do not know the work of the Holy Spirit. …

Gospel Movie Clip "Who Is He That Has Returned" (7) - Testimonies of Experiencing Judgment Before the Seat of Christ

Gospel Movie Clip "Who Is He That Has Returned" (7) - Testimonies of Experiencing Judgment Before the Seat of Christ