I Get Free from Man’s Control Under the Leading of God’s Word|The Church Of Almighty God

The Church Of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, Christian
I Get Free from Man’s Control Under the Leading of God’s Word

Li Jing

Zhumadian City, Henan Province

I had been a co-worker of the “Praise Church.” Since I believed in the Lord in 1988, I had believed that by listening to the leaders, I would surely be approved by God and go to heaven in the future, as they knew more things than others and had a rich knowledge of the Bible. So, whatever the upper leaders instructed me to do, I would listen to and obey it without the slightest negligence.

Almighty God Saved the Disobedient Me

 Church,Lord Jesus,Almighty God
 Praise Almighty God 

Almighty God Saved the Disobedient Me

Lu Tong

Pingzhuang City, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region

In 1997, our family believed in the Lord Jesus (The Great Light Church) due to my mother’s sickness. My mother got healed miraculously after that. Thereafter, encouraged by the love of the Lord, we went here and there preaching the gospel, giving witness to the wonderful deeds of the Lord Jesus. It gave a good result. And I, out of fervent pursuit, was chosen as a church deacon later and began to go around the churches preaching and shepherding.
In 1998, we heard that there were people preaching the “Eastern Lightning” in our local area. For this, the deacon above stressed that no meeting place or believer was allowed to receive any stranger, and whoever did so would surely be punished. He asked us church deacons to carry out the measures against its deception in the churches and ensure that they were safely protected. “The Bible has prophesied that there will appear false Christs in the last days,” he said, “and the ‘Eastern Lightning’ preachers are the imposters to steal the sheep. They are malicious. They use beauty and other means to entice people into their trap and swindle them out of all their property, bringing their families to ruin. Once a person joins this ‘mafia,’ he cannot possibly be pulled out.” I believed what he said without any doubts and lost no time to convey it to the churches. I went every believer’s home to warn and frighten them by saying that whoever disobeyed the church rules would be doomed to suffer punishments and lose his share of God’s grace.

Gospel Movie Clip "Who Is He That Has Returned" (7) - Testimonies of Experiencing Judgment Before the Seat of Christ

Gospel Movie Clip "Who Is He That Has Returned" (7) - Testimonies of Experiencing Judgment Before the Seat of Christ