The Hymn of God's Word | The Result Achieved by Knowing God

  • I
  • One day, you'll feel
  • the Creator's no more a riddle, 
  • He's never been hidden, 
  • never covered His face from you; 
  • He's not far from you at all; 
  • He's no longer the One 
  • you yearn for day and night 
  • but can't reach with your feelings. 
  • He is genuinely standing guard 
  • around your side, 
  • supplying your life, 
  • and controlling your fate. 
  • He's not on the distant horizon, 
  • nor is He hidden in the clouds. 
  • He is right by your side, 
  • reigning over your all. 
  • He's your everything 
  • and your only One.
  • II
  • A God as such makes you adore Him,
  • admire Him, cling to Him, 
  • hold Him close, 
  • whom you fear to lose, 
  • no longer want to 
  • turn your back on and disobey, 
  • or avoid and distance from; 
  • you just want to care for Him, 
  • obey Him, repay all He gives you, 
  • submit to His dominion. 
  • You no longer refuse His guidance, 
  • supply, care, and protection; 
  • you don't resist His sovereignty 
  • and arrangement any more. 
  • You just want to follow Him, 
  • be with Him; 
  • you just want to accept Him 
  • as your one and only life, 
  • as your one and only Lord and God.
  • from Preface to Continuation of The Word Appears in the Flesh
  • Recommendation: The Church of Almighty God was founded by Almighty God personally Eastern Lightning

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Gospel Movie Clip "Who Is He That Has Returned" (7) - Testimonies of Experiencing Judgment Before the Seat of Christ

Gospel Movie Clip "Who Is He That Has Returned" (7) - Testimonies of Experiencing Judgment Before the Seat of Christ