New Gospel Song "The Great Red Dragon Collapses as God's People Grow" | Praise God's Actions

New Gospel Song "The Great Red Dragon Collapses as God's People Grow" | Praise God's Actions

The More Mature God’s People Get,

the More the Great Red Dragon Collapses

When the people have all been made complete,

and all nations are Christ’s kingdom, the seven thunders will peal.

Today’s a stride towards that stage. The charge has been unleashed.

This is God’s plan. It will soon be realized.

To carry out God’s plan successfully,

heaven’s angels have descended on earth.

God in flesh is also on the battlefield, waging war against the enemy.

What God’s said is what He’s done.

Thus, nations are just castles in the sand, trembling as the high tide nears.

The last day’s imminent.

The great red dragon will topple under God’s word.

Wherever the incarnation appears, the enemy is destroyed.

China’s annihilation will be the first.

It will be laid waste by the hand of God.

Proof of the great red dragon’s collapse

is seen in the maturation of the people.

It’s a sign of the enemy’s demise.

This is what it means to “do battle,” to do battle.

When all humanity comes to know God from within the flesh,

when they are able to see His deeds from within the flesh,

then the great dragon’s lair will turn to ashes

and vanish without a trace, forever.

What God’s said is what He’s done.

Thus, nations are just castles in the sand, trembling as the high tide nears.

The last day’s imminent.

The great red dragon will topple under God’s word.

Wherever the incarnation appears, the enemy is destroyed.

China’s annihilation will be the first.

It will be laid waste by the hand of God.

Proof of the great red dragon’s collapse

is seen in the maturation of the people.

It’s a sign of the enemy’s demise.

This is what it means to “do battle,” to do battle, wow,

to do battle, wow, to do battle, wow, to do battle.

from The Word Appears in the Flesh

Some of the material in this video is from :

Watch more : Hymn Videos: singing calm our hearts, lead us to come before God

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