I Acted as Satan’s Servant Ignorantly |The Church of Almighty God

Eastern Lightning, Jesus’ Return, The Church of Almighty God
 I Acted as Satan’s Servant Ignorantly

 I Acted as Satan’s Servant Ignorantly


Haicheng city, Liaoning Province

My name is Wangli. At the age of eleven, I believed in the Lord Jesus with my mother. After graduating from high school, I gave up the opportunity to go to a college or a seminary, and worked as an important co-worker in the Praise Church. I shepherded the churches in Haicheng, Yingkou, and Panjin in Liaoning Province, and in Qian’an, Funing, Qinglong, and other places in Hebei Province. And I had been invited to preach and attend the youth meetings by some religious groups in Beijing, Qinhuangdao (Hebei Province), and Ningbo (Zhejiang Province). During that time, I ran about busying myself with the church work all day, feeling very proud of myself.

I Have Received Almighty God’s Great Salvation

The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, Gospel
 Praise Almighty God 

65 I Have Received Almighty God’s Great Salvation

Wang Shouzhen

Qixia City, Shandong Province

My name is Wang Shouzhen. I had followed the Lord Jesus for more than ten years and was once a co-worker in the “Local Church.” Before I accepted Almighty God’s work of the last days, I often heard my leaders say, “The ‘Eastern Lightning’ is from a false Christ, a deceiver.

How a Fierce Resister Was Saved by Almighty God

Eastern Lightning, The Church of Almighty God,Prayer

 Praise Almighty God 

 How a Fierce Resister Was Saved by Almighty God

Gao Feng

Linyi City, Shandong Province

“The darkness covers the earth; the devils are extremely ferocious. God does His work with difficulty; He suffers all kinds of humiliations. Men are corrupted too deeply, and they have become the hostile force. What Jesus encountered has reoccurred today. They believe in God but do not know God, crucifying God again; ferocious and vicious they are, even more evil than in those days. …” Whenever singing this hymn, I’m in floods of tears, unable to express my regret, and I only prayed in my heart, “O Almighty God! This is me! This is me! I’m really unworthy of Your salvation and love.”

38 The Chastisement and Judgment of Almighty God Awakened Me

 The Chastisement and Judgment of Almighty God Awakened Me

Liang Ping

Huainan City, Anhui Province

The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, Gospel
The Chastisement and Judgment of Almighty God
When the waters swallow men whole, God saves them from the stagnant waters…. When men disobey God, God causes them to know Him in their disobedience. … How many times have people seen God’s hands and seen God’s kind countenance and smiling face; and how many times have they seen God’s majesty, seen God’s, God’s wrath.

39 How I Prostrated Myself Before Almighty God

How I Prostrated Myself Before Almighty God

Zhang Tiyuan

Zaozhuang City, Shandong Province

The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, Church
 How I Prostrated Myself Before Almighty God
In December, 1989, I believed in Jesus because of my wife’s illness. After I was called, I began to read the Bible every day and couldn’t tear myself away from it, and the Bible became my spiritual anchor. I regarded the Bible as God, and without it, I would feel as if I had lost my life. Because of my belief in God, I was once arrested by the government and educated in the study classes held by it, and I was also once sentenced to three years of hard labor.

The Church of Almighty God | Restoring the Normal Life of Man and Taking Him to a Wonderful Destination

Restoring the Normal Life of Man and Taking Him to a Wonderful Destination

Man understands a little of the work of today and the work of the future, but he does not understand the destination into which mankind will enter. As a creature, man should perform the duty of a creature: Man should follow God in whatever He does, and you should proceed in whatever way I tell you to. You have no way of making arrangements for yourself, and you are incapable of controlling yourself; all must be left to the mercy of God, and everything is controlled by His hands.

Praise Song "The Heart's Voice of a Created Being"|The Church of Almighty God


I wanted to cry but no place felt right. I wanted to sing but no song was found. I wanted to express the love of a created being. Searching high and low, but no words could say, could say just how I feel. Practical and true God, the love inside my heart. I lift my hands in praise, I rejoice that You came into this world.


Man came from dust, and God gave him life. Satan came down to corrupt mankind. Lost are their humanity and reason. Generation after generation, fallen since that day. But You are … the practical and true God, the love inside my heart. I am dust but I can see Your face. How can I not worship? The practical and true God, the love inside my heart. I am dust but I can see Your face. How can I not worship You?


God created man and loves him so, that He became flesh again, bore good and bad, adversity and sorrow, saving us and bringing us to a beautiful place. We will always thank You. The practical and true God, the love inside my heart. Corrupt, but You have saved me! How can I not worship? The practical and true God, the love inside my heart. Corrupt, but You have saved me! How can I not worship You? How can I not worship You? How can I not worship You?

from Follow the Lamb and Sing New Songs 

Eastern Lightning, The Church of Almighty God was created because of the appearance and work of Almighty God, the second coming of the Lord Jesus, Christ of the last days. It is made up of all those who accept Almighty God's work in the last days and are conquered and saved by His words. It was entirely founded by Almighty God personally and is led by Him as the Shepherd. It was definitely not created by a person. Christ is the truth, the way, and the life. God's sheep hear God's voice. As long as you read the words of Almighty God, you will see God has appeared.
Recommendation: Know more of the Church of Almighty God

Gospel Movie Clip "Who Is He That Has Returned" (7) - Testimonies of Experiencing Judgment Before the Seat of Christ

Gospel Movie Clip "Who Is He That Has Returned" (7) - Testimonies of Experiencing Judgment Before the Seat of Christ