Showing posts with label Chinese Christian. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chinese Christian. Show all posts

Testimony Articles on Life Experience | The Truth Showed Her the Way to Get Along With Others (Part 2)

The Truth Showed Her the Way to Get Along With Others (Part 2)


Soon after, three new sisters came to work in Jiandan’s group. Jiandan thought of how she was now the person in the group who had done this duty the longest, and in her heart she silently told herself to be sure to take real responsibility for the work, to pick up the pace with finalizing these articles and to remedy her lingering regrets.

Testimony Articles on Life Experience | The Truth Showed Her the Way to Get Along With Others (Part 1)

The Truth Showed Her the Way to Get Along With Others (Part 1)


The Church of Almighty God, Chinese Christian,
Picture of The Church of Almighty God
Jiandan sat on her chair, staring at the number of articles on the worksheet in complete amazement and muttering to herself: “Why is there such a backlog of unchecked articles? Could Sister Liu Yan be in a bad state? But even if she is, she mustn’t let that interfere with her work.”

Christian testimonies | Regenerated in God’s Word

Regenerated in God’s Word

Wang Gang Shandong Province

Chinese Christian, Eastern Lightning, Almighty God Saved Me,
Picture of The Church of Almighty God | Regenerated in God’s Word
I was a peasant. As my family was poor, I kept working everywhere to make money, just wanting to live a better life through my own labor. However, in real life I saw that the lawful rights and interests of a rural worker like me couldn’t be guaranteed at all. My wages were often withheld for no reason. Deceived and exploited by others again and again, I couldn’t get the payment I deserved for a year’s hard work. I felt that the world was too dark! People lived by the law of the jungle like animals and contended with and fought against each other.

Christian testimonies | After Undergoing the Devil’s Affliction, I Knew More Clearly God’s Grace Is Precious

After Undergoing the Devil’s Affliction, I Knew More Clearly God’s Grace Is Precious

Xu Qiang Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region

experience of persecution from the CCP, Eastern Lightning, Chinese Christian,
Picture of The Church of Almighty God
My name is Xu Qiang. I was once a project contractor. I led many people to undertake contracted projects every year and had a good income. In the eyes of my contemporaries, I had a happy family and smooth career and had a great future, so I should be the happiest man. However, while enjoying the material life, I felt an unexplainable emptiness in my heart. Especially in order to undertake contracted projects, I had to ingratiate myself with the leaders of the relevant departments all day, observing their speech and behavior and fawning and flattering them.

Christian testimonies | After the Afflictions, I Have a Firmer Love for God

After the Afflictions, I Have a Firmer Love for God

Zhang Ren Jiangxi Province

experience of persecution from the CCP, Chinese Christian, Eastern Lightning,
Picture of The Church of Almighty God
My name is Zhang Ren, and I’m a Christian in the Church of Almighty God. Since I began to know things, I saw my parents labor hard in the fields from morning till night every day for making money. Although they exerted much effort, they couldn’t earn much money after one year’s labor. So my family had been living a very poor life. When I saw those influential people live well without needing to labor hard, I envied them from the bottom of my heart. And I made a firm resolution that I would build up a career or get an official post after I grew up, so as to shake off our poverty and backwardness and let my parents live the life of the rich. However, after I strived for this ideal for years, it was still not fulfilled, and we still lived a very poor life. I often felt depressed and sighed for my accomplishing nothing, and I gradually lost my confidence in life. Just when I was discouraged and disappointed at life, Almighty God’s end-time salvation came upon me.

Christian testimonies | From Suffering Is Emitted the Fragrance of Love

From Suffering Is Emitted the Fragrance of Love

Xiaokai, Jiangxi Province

The CCP's persecution, Emitted the Fragrance of Love, The Church of Almighty God,
Picture of The Church of Almighty God
I’m an ordinary country woman and, because of the feudalistic idea of only valuing male children, I was unable to raise my head in front of others for shame at having borne no son. Just when I was suffering the most, I was chosen by the Lord Jesus and, two years later, I accepted the salvation of Almighty God. Moreover, I understood much truth from within the words of Almighty God and my heart obtained true release. However, while I was performing my duty to repay God’s love, I was twice arrested by the CCP government and I suffered brutal torture and torment at the hands of the CCP’s pawns. Just when I was on the verge of death, the words of Almighty God guided me and inspired me and caused me to stand witness in the midst of Satan’s cruel harm, thereby strengthening my determination to follow God and love God for all my life.

God Will Enlighten Anyone Who Has One Ten Thousandth of Desire to Seek

Lord Jesu,Church,Almighty God
Testimonies of Christians

God Will Enlighten Anyone Who Has One Ten Thousandth of Desire to Seek

Wu Ming

Tieling City, Liaoning Province

I was once a co-worker in the Seventh-day Adventist Church, and I accepted the Lord Jesus in 1990. In 2001, our church heard a lot of unfavorable publicity about Almighty God’s work in the last days, such as, “The ‘Eastern Lightning’ is ‘heresy,’ something deceiving people. They always preach and have meetings in a sneaky way….” On the strength of such words, I vehemently resisted and blasphemed Almighty God’s work of the last days in the church, hindered the brothers and sisters from contacting the preachers of the “Eastern Lightning,” and reviled,unfavorable slandered, and drove away them many times. I thought, “If their God is the true God and their way is the true way, they should preach publicly in a big way. Who will not believe in the true God? Since they preach in secret for fear of being discovered by others, they cannot be doing anything good. As the saying goes, ‘Anything good won’t be hidden from others, and anything hidden from others cannot be good.’ And if they really beat and disable those who refuse to accept their belief, and also commit adultery, this further shows that they are heresy and a mafia.” So, I warned the brothers and sisters to “keep at a respectable distance” from the people of the “Eastern Lightning.”

How a Fierce Resister Was Saved by Almighty God

Eastern Lightning, The Church of Almighty God,Prayer

 Praise Almighty God 

 How a Fierce Resister Was Saved by Almighty God

Gao Feng

Linyi City, Shandong Province

“The darkness covers the earth; the devils are extremely ferocious. God does His work with difficulty; He suffers all kinds of humiliations. Men are corrupted too deeply, and they have become the hostile force. What Jesus encountered has reoccurred today. They believe in God but do not know God, crucifying God again; ferocious and vicious they are, even more evil than in those days. …” Whenever singing this hymn, I’m in floods of tears, unable to express my regret, and I only prayed in my heart, “O Almighty God! This is me! This is me! I’m really unworthy of Your salvation and love.”

Chronicles of Religious Persecution | Christian Movie "The Cover-up"

Since it came to power in mainland China in 1949, the Chinese Communist Party has been unceasing in its persecution of religious faith. It has frantically arrested and murdered Christians, expelled and abused missionaries operating in China, confiscated and burned countless copies of the Bible, sealed up and demolished church buildings, and tried to eradicate all house churches.

This documentary film depicts the sudden and unexpected death of a Chinese Christian named Song Xiaolan—a death for which the CCP police provided inconsistent and conflicting explanations. After investigating, the Song family discovered that the police had been lying all along. A relative of the Song family learned from an acquaintance in the Public Security Bureau that Song Xiaolan had been being secretly monitored by the CCP police as a result of her belief in God and performance of her duties. When the police arrested her, they beat her to death. To avoid blame, the police covered up the truth by fabricating the scene of Song Xiaolan’s death….

Gospel Movie Clip "Who Is He That Has Returned" (7) - Testimonies of Experiencing Judgment Before the Seat of Christ

Gospel Movie Clip "Who Is He That Has Returned" (7) - Testimonies of Experiencing Judgment Before the Seat of Christ