(3) - The Difference Between the Normal Humanity of Christ and the Humanity of Corrupt Mankind

(3) - The Difference Between the Normal Humanity of Christ and the Humanity of Corrupt Mankind


God incarnates to save man and, from the outside, God incarnate appears to be an ordinary person. But do you know the essential difference between God incarnate's normal humanity and the humanity of corrupt mankind? Almighty God says, "The flesh worn by the Spirit of God is God's own flesh. The Spirit of God is supreme; He is almighty, holy, and righteous. So likewise, His flesh is also supreme, almighty, holy, and righteous. ... despite the fact that man and Christ dwell within the same space, it is only man who is dominated, used, and entrapped by Satan. By contrast, Christ is eternally impervious to Satan's corruption, because Satan will never be capable of ascending to the place of the most high, and will never be able to draw near to God" (The Word Appears in the Flesh)

Recommend:Eastern Lightning,The Church of Almighty God was created because of the appearance and work of Almighty God, the second coming of the Lord Jesus, Christ of the last days. It is made up of all those who accept Almighty God's work in the last days and are conquered and saved by His words. It was entirely founded by Almighty God personally and is led by Him as the Shepherd. It was definitely not created by a person. Christ is the truth, the way, and the life. God's sheep hear God's voice. As long as you read the words of Almighty God, you will see God has appeared.

Gospel Movie clip "The Mystery of Godliness: The Sequel" (6) - Is the Lord Jesus the Son of God or God Himself?

Gospel Movie clip "The Mystery of Godliness: The Sequel" (6) - Is the Lord Jesus the Son of God or God Himself?

It is recorded clearly in the Bible that the Lord Jesus is Christ, that He is the Son of God. Yet the Eastern Lightning testifies that the incarnate Christ is the manifestation of God, that He is God Himself. So is the incarnate Christ the Son of God? Or is He God Himself? Almighty God says, "'Jesus is the beloved Son of God, in whom He is well pleased'.... That was God bearing witness to Himself, but merely from a different perspective, that of the Spirit in heaven bearing witness to His own incarnation. Jesus is His incarnation, not His Son in heaven. Do you understand? Do not the words of Jesus, 'The Father is in Me and I am in the Father,' indicate that They are one Spirit? And is it not because of the incarnation that They were separated between heaven and earth? In reality, They are still one; no matter what, it is simply God bearing witness to Himself" (The Word Appears in the Flesh).

Who Is He That Has Returned (5) - No One Else Can Do God’s Work of Judgment

Who Is He That Has Returned (5) - No One Else Can Do God’s Work of Judgment

Do you know why the work of judgment in the last days is done by God incarnate personally rather than using man to do it? This film clip will give you Ariadne’s thread.
Jin Yinglu was a devout pastor in Korean religious world. He thirsted for the truth and expected the return of the Lord Jesus all along. One day in 2013, he came across the words expressed by Almighty God in Chosun Ilbo, and immediately his heart was deeply touched by those words which are full of authority and power. In order to ascertain whether Almighty God is his long-expected Savior Jesus, he began to seek and investigate the work and word of Almighty God. … As one doubt after another was solved, Jin Yinglu was so excited and fell on his face: Almighty God is the Lord Jesus who has returned in the last days; He has long quietly come among man and done the work of “judgment beginning with the house of God”!

Recommend:Eastern lightning

Gospel Movie "Caught the Last Train" (2) - Prophecy of Jesus Returning to Flesh


Gospel Movie "Caught the Last Train" (2) - Prophecy of Jesus Returning to Flesh


Is there any Bible prophecy that proves the Lord Jesus will return to flesh in the last days? Please stay tuned for this film clip.
Chen Peng was a pastor in a house church. He had burden for the church work, and ministered to the believers year after year. But in recent years, the church became overwhelmingly desolate. More and more believers became passive, weak, and no longer attended the church services. Meanwhile, Pastor Chen felt dry in spirit and had nothing to preach…. He tried many ways to revive the church, but all his efforts ended up in vain…. By chance, he heard Almighty God’s gospel of the last days. After an intense debate, he finally found the cause why the church became desolate—God has been incarnated and does a new work. Almighty God is the returned Lord Jesus. Only those who follow the Lamb’s footsteps can get the watering and supply of the living water of life

"The Mystery of Godliness: The Sequel" (1) - How Will the Lord Appear to Man When He Comes Again?

"The Mystery of Godliness: The Sequel" (1) - How Will the Lord Appear to Man When He Comes Again?

Over the centuries since the Lord Jesus resurrected and ascended to heaven, we believers have yearned eagerly for Jesus the Savior's return. Most people believe that it will be the spiritual body of the resurrected Jesus that will appear to us when the Lord returns. But why has God appeared to man incarnating as the Son of man in the last days? Almighty God says, "If God does not become flesh, He remains the Spirit both invisible and intangible to man. Man is a creature of flesh, and man and God belong to two different worlds and are different in nature. The Spirit of God is incompatible with man of flesh, and no relations can be established between them...." "Only through becoming flesh can He personally deliver His words to the ears of all so that all who have ears can hear His words and receive His work of judgment by the word. Only such is the result achieved by His word ..." (The Word Appears in the Flesh).

A Hymn of God's Words" How Should Man Walk in God's Way"

Eastern lightning,hymns,second coming

A Hymn of God's Words"
 How Should Man Walk in God's Way"

Walking in God's way is not about keeping rules. It's about seeing all things as arranged by God, responsibility bestowed on you, something entrusted to you, trials given by Him. Walking in God's way. Cautious to never anger God Himself. Never offend the disposition of God. Walking in God's way. Walking in God's way.

Gospel Movie clip "The Mystery of Godliness: The Sequel" (4) - Why Does God Twice Become Flesh in Order to Save Mankind?

Gospel Movie clip "The Mystery of Godliness: The Sequel" (4) - Why Does God Twice Become Flesh in Order to Save Mankind?


In the Age of Grace, God incarnate was nailed to the cross, taking upon Himself the sins of man and completing the work of redeeming mankind. In the last days, God has once again incarnated to express the truth and to thoroughly purify and save man. So why does God need to incarnate twice to do the work of the salvation of man? Almighty God says, "The first incarnation was to redeem man from sin through the flesh of Jesus, that is, He saved man from the cross, but the corrupt satanic disposition still remained within man. The second incarnation is no longer to serve as a sin offering but to fully save those who were redeemed from sin. This is done so that those forgiven can be delivered from their sins and be fully made clean, and attain a change in disposition, thereby breaking free of Satan's influence of darkness and returning before the throne of God. Only in this way can man be fully sanctified. ... The second incarnation is sufficient to get rid of the sins of man and fully purify man. Hence, the second incarnation will bring to a close all the work of God in the flesh and complete the significance of God's incarnation" (The Word Appears in the Flesh).

Gospel Movie Clip "Who Is He That Has Returned" (7) - Testimonies of Experiencing Judgment Before the Seat of Christ

Gospel Movie Clip "Who Is He That Has Returned" (7) - Testimonies of Experiencing Judgment Before the Seat of Christ