The Church of Almighty God | 11 In Disaster I Experienced God’s Thoughtful and Kind Intention in Saving Man

11 In Disaster I Experienced God’s Thoughtful and Kind Intention in Saving Man

by Muling

The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, Church
In Disaster I Experienced God’s Thoughtful and Kind Intention in Saving Man

(from Jiuzhou Church, Beijing District)

On July 21, 2012, Beijing was struck by the worst rain in sixty years. In that rain, I saw God’s deeds and God’s salvation for man. That afternoon, we four sisters had a meeting together. It kept raining heavily outside. At half past four p.m., my unbelieving husband returned home and told us that the flood was so heavy at the roundabout that no one could cycle through it.
But at five o’clock, he still hurriedly went to work on the night shift. I didn’t feel anything abnormal, so I cooked as usual. At seven in the evening, my tenant suddenly knocked at the door and called me. I went out and the scene before my eyes shocked me. The rainwater had drowned the courtyard, and entered the west wing-room and the east one. Moreover, the water kept rising. My son and I tried every means to stop the water from flowing in, but it didn’t help. In desperation, I knelt down in the water and cried out to God, “O God! I know this is Your anger, because we corrupt mankind don’t worship You or satisfy You. O God! What should I do to appease Your anger? May You inspire and guide me and make a way out for me.” Just then, someone from my husband’s workplace rang me and asked if he was at home. While I was answering the phone, the water had entered the central room. Aware of the seriousness, I began to worry about my husband and did not know how he was. So I knelt down in the water again and called upon God urgently, “O God! In the face of the sudden flood, I personally feel Your anger and see my disobedience and rebelliousness. You require us to turn our heart to You and live easily by relying on You, but I hold closely to my family, husband, and child. O God! At this very moment, I understand that no one can bring anything to others and no one can save others. I can only rely on You. Now, it is more than four hours since my husband left. I’m willing to commit him into Your hand. No matter what may happen to him, I’m willing to absolutely submit to Your orchestration and arrangement.” Like this, I repeated the prayer again and again. At past 9 in the evening, my husband, wet all over, suddenly stood before me. I kept thanking God inwardly for His salvation. Then the water in the room was above my upper thighs. I took my husband’s hand and said, “Let’s pray together. Our lives are given by God.” My husband nodded his agreement, so we knelt down in the water and prayed. When we were praying, we suddenly heard the tenant shout, “The water has receded! Has receded!” I was very excited in my heart. It was still raining outside; how could the water recede? This was truly God’s almightiness! God is so lovely and so faithful, and God’s love for man is so great. We are so small and disobedient, yet God has such mercy on us, listens to our cry, and saves us from the disaster. I really don’t know how to express my thanks and worship to God in words.
After the heavy rain, my husband, my mother-in-law, and my colleagues also believed in God. I thanked God for saving them. Through that experience, I have truly known that God’s sending disaster is not for destruction but for salvation. On the one hand, it is for warning us sons of blindness and disobedience who believe in Him but are unfaithful to Him and deceive and rebel against Him. On the other hand, it is even more for saving all poor souls who belonged to Him originally but still live under Satan’s domain. Such means of salvation contains so much thoughtful and kind intention of God. As God’s word says, “Today, not only am I descending upon the nation of the great red dragon, I am also turning My face toward the entire universe, so that the whole empyrean is quaking. Is there a single place that does not undergo My judgment? Is there a single place that does not exist under the scourges that I hurl down? Everywhere I go I have scattered ‘seeds of disaster’ of all kinds. This is one of the ways in which I work, and is without doubt an act of salvation for man, and what I extend to him is still a kind of love. I wish to make even more people come to know Me, be able to see Me, and in this way come to revere God whom they have not seen for so many years but who, today, is real.” I can’t help offering praise to God again, “O God! Your love is so real, because I have seen that whatever You do, You are saving us. Now since I have tasted Your almightiness and wisdom, seen Your love and salvation, and even more, known clearly Your eager intention, I can’t remain unmoved and ungrateful. I only wish to dedicate all my strength to spreading Your kingdom gospel, bring more lost souls back to Your family, and thereby give my true heart to You to requite Your great love.”
August 16, 2012
Source: A Hundred Questions and Answers on Investigating the True Way

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