Showing posts with label Testimonies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Testimonies. Show all posts

Destruction in the Blink of an Eye

—Qingping Township in Sichuan Province disappeared twice because of its defiance of Almighty God’s gospel of the last days

Jing Wei, Sichuan Province

During the great earthquake that occurred on May 12, 2008, a town vanished entirely: That was Qingping Township in the Mianzhu municipal area in Sichuan Province. Because of the government’s information blackout, this is not something that many people know about.

Qingping Township was located north-west of the hard-hit area of Hanwang Town in the Mianzhu municipal area. Before the earthquake struck, situated deep in the mountains, it was a place of clean air, clear waters and blue skies, and the mountains abounded with kiwi fruit and gingko fruit. God bestowed this abundance on the people and provided them with all they needed to live; yet the people living there did not know God, and even more they were unaware that they should be grateful to God—they had only a lust for riches. Owing to this town being situated deep in the mountains, the scenery was incredibly beautiful and the air was fresh and pleasant. In summer, there was no need to use air conditioning; it was a natural oxygen bar, and even more so it was a place for leisure and relaxation. The mountain people set up rural home stays one by one and put great effort into developing the tourism industry there. It also became a place of recreation and entertainment for all levels of government officials. Many officials desired to take up government posts in Qingping Township, and many provincial-level leaders were frequent visitors to the town. As everyone knows, wherever government officials go, they fuel the economic growth of the area’s hotels, karaoke bars, health spas, foot massage spas and hair salons. So although Qingping Township was deep in the mountains, it was by no means a backward place, and it was nevertheless a place of feasting and revelry, flashing neon lights and nightly music and singing; Communist Party officials turned this Heaven-sent place of beauty into a modern-day Sodom.

Christian testimonies | From Suffering Is Emitted the Fragrance of Love

From Suffering Is Emitted the Fragrance of Love

Xiaokai, Jiangxi Province

The CCP's persecution, Emitted the Fragrance of Love, The Church of Almighty God,
Picture of The Church of Almighty God
I’m an ordinary country woman and, because of the feudalistic idea of only valuing male children, I was unable to raise my head in front of others for shame at having borne no son. Just when I was suffering the most, I was chosen by the Lord Jesus and, two years later, I accepted the salvation of Almighty God. Moreover, I understood much truth from within the words of Almighty God and my heart obtained true release. However, while I was performing my duty to repay God’s love, I was twice arrested by the CCP government and I suffered brutal torture and torment at the hands of the CCP’s pawns. Just when I was on the verge of death, the words of Almighty God guided me and inspired me and caused me to stand witness in the midst of Satan’s cruel harm, thereby strengthening my determination to follow God and love God for all my life.

The Confession of a Disobedient Son | The Church Of Almighty God

The Church Of Almighty God,Eastern Lightning,Prayer
The Church Of Almighty God 

The Confession of a Disobedient Son

Wang Jianwen

Anqiu City, Shandong Province

I was once a leader of the Church of the “Truth of the Cross of Christ.” I was born into a Christian family. My grandpa and my father had been elders in the church. Nurtured by them, I was resolved from childhood to follow their will and devote a lifetime to serving the Lord faithfully. After graduation from senior high school, I began my full-time service. By the gifts given by the Lord, healing the sick and driving out demons and laying hands and praying, I brought 300 to 400 people to the Lord and built dozens of churches after several years of gospel preaching in and around Anqiu City. As I was a leader and was capable of preaching and much gifted, I won the believers’ admiration wherever I went. And I also considered myself as most faithful to the Lord. But I never expected that these things which I took as my merits led me to resist God’s work of the last days. Thanks to Almighty God’s loving chastisement and His authoritative word, I was conquered. Or else, I would have long died somewhere.

Power and Position Lured Me to Keep Away from the True Way | The Church Of Almighty God

The Church Of Almighty God,Eastern Lightning, Christian
 The Church Of Almighty God

Power and Position Lured Me to Keep Away from the True Way

Li Zhixin

Chaoyang City, Liaoning Province

I believed in the Lord in the Great Light Church in 1998. After turning to the Lord, I saw many miracles and received much grace, and all my illnesses were cured by the Lord. So, I pursued hard and was later appointed deacon responsible for a church of 500 believers.

Almighty God Saved the Disobedient Me | The Church Of Almighty God

The Church Of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, End Time Salvation
Almighty God Saved the Disobedient Me |

Almighty God Saved the Disobedient Me

Lu Tong

Pingzhuang City, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region

In 1997, our family believed in the Lord Jesus (The Great Light Church) due to my mother’s sickness. My mother got healed miraculously after that. Thereafter, encouraged by the love of the Lord, we went here and there preaching the gospel, giving witness to the wonderful deeds of the Lord Jesus. It gave a good result. And I, out of fervent pursuit, was chosen as a church deacon later and began to go around the churches preaching and shepherding.

I Get Free from Man’s Control Under the Leading of God’s Word | The Church Of Almighty God

The Church Of Almighty God , Eastern Lightning, Prayer
 The Church Of Almighty God 

I Get Free from Man’s Control Under the Leading of God’s Word

Li Jing

Zhumadian City, Henan Province

I had been a co-worker of the “Praise Church.” Since I believed in the Lord in 1988, I had believed that by listening to the leaders, I would surely be approved by God and go to heaven in the future, as they knew more things than others and had a rich knowledge of the Bible. So, whatever the upper leaders instructed me to do, I would listen to and obey it without the slightest negligence. In 1996, the leader said, “Now, there is a sect called the ‘Eastern Lightning,’ and it is very rampant. Anyone who has contact with its followers will be captivated.

Once So Foolish, I Have Finally Woken Up Today |The Church Of Almighty God

The Church Of Almighty God , Eastern Lightning, Truth
Once So Foolish, I Have Finally Woken Up Today |The Church Of Almighty God 

Once So Foolish, I Have Finally Woken Up Today

Chen Xing

Nanyang City, Henan Province

I was formerly a preacher of the “Praise Church.” Since May 1999, I had often heard the elders say, “The ‘Eastern Lightning’ is a cult. Those people are together committing adultery. If you don’t obey them, they will cut off your ears, gouge out your eyes, or even cut your flesh into pieces. They will also trick you into going somewhere outside the town and shut you into a basement… These people are very crafty. They specially go to deceive people in various churches. If any stranger comes to our church, we must inspect him and verify his identity.

I Have Received Almighty God’s Great Salvation | The Church Of Almighty God

The Church Of Almighty God ,Eastern Lighting, Testimonies
I Have Received Almighty God’s Great Salvation | The Church Of Almighty God 

Zhi Yong

Chengde City, Hebei Province

I was formerly a senior co-worker of the Three Grades of Servants Church. In 1995, I gave up my study and left home and stepped onto the way of serving the Lord. In the Three Grades of Servants Church, there was a requirement for every co-worker: Since you have left home, you must not go back or write to or call your family. At that time, there was only one thought in my mind: The severer the requirements are and the more sufferings one has to endure, the more it proves that it is the true way. Only the Three Grades of Servants Church is the true way, and the others are false ones. If one leaves the Three Grades of Servants Church, he cannot be saved. So, I was resolved to serve God all my life and follow the “servant” appointed by God to the end.

It Is Almighty God Who Saved Me | The Church Of Almighty God

The Church Of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, Christian
It Is Almighty God Who Saved Me | The Church Of Almighty God 
Li Tianhong

Lingbao City, Henan Province

I believe that every brother and sister in the Lord is expecting the Lord’s coming and is expecting the Lord to take us to heaven and into the glorious and beautiful home soon. Like you all, I also expected that all along.

The Church of Almighty God | Experiencing the Tribulations, I Was Accompanied by God’s Love | The Overcomers’ Testimonies

Experiencing the Tribulations, I Was Accompanied by God’s Love

Wang Yu    Henan Province
The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, Prayer
Experiencing the Tribulations, I Was Accompanied by God’s Love
My name is Wang Yu. I’m 76 years old. In 1978, I believed in the Lord Jesus because of illness. I received much grace during my believing. Because of that, I was very zealous in working for the Lord, giving messages and preaching the gospel everywhere and also hosting the brothers and sisters. Very soon, the believers in our church increased to over 2000. Then, the persecution of the CCP government also came. In order to stop me from believing in God and preaching the gospel, the policemen searched my house many times. Each time, they would take away anything that was worth some money and could be moved at my home, and they even unscrewed the light bulbs and took them away. Moreover, I was arrested and imprisoned by the Public Security Bureau a dozen times. In 1996, I accepted Almighty God’s end-time work. Two years later, I experienced more frenzied arrest and persecution of the CCP government. Although having undergone a great many afflictions, I felt God’s salvation and love for me.

Gospel Movie Clip "Who Is He That Has Returned" (7) - Testimonies of Experiencing Judgment Before the Seat of Christ

Gospel Movie Clip "Who Is He That Has Returned" (7) - Testimonies of Experiencing Judgment Before the Seat of Christ