Showing posts with label God’s words. Show all posts
Showing posts with label God’s words. Show all posts

What Is the Meaning of Christmas, and Are You Truly Worshiping the Lord Jesus?

What Is the Meaning of Christmas, and Are You Truly Worshiping the Lord Jesus?

By Siyuan

The Origins of Christmas

Every year, as Christmas approaches, shops on the street arrange a dazzling display of Christmas presents, with Santa Claus and Christmas trees, and so on. Festooned in trees and on buildings there are many-colored lights, and whole cities are decorated with lanterns and colored hangings, and everywhere there is joy and excitement. To Christianity, Christmas is a very special holiday, and several months before Christmas, many churches will begin to busy themselves preparing everything necessary for the Christmas holiday. On Christmas Day, the churches are filled, and brothers and sisters get involved in the celebrations, eating Christmas dinner, putting on performances and worshiping the Lord Jesus, and so on. Everyone’s face is flushed with happiness. However, when we get together in joyous gatherings to celebrate the Lord Jesus’ birth, do we understand the meaning of Christmas? Perhaps brothers and sisters will say, “The Lord Jesus was nailed upon the cross to redeem all mankind, and so as to remember and celebrate the Lord Jesus’ birth, Christians established Christmas. Though the specific day on which the Lord Jesus was born is not recorded in the Bible, Christmas gradually became a universal holiday in the wake of the expansion of Jesus Christ’s gospel.” We may have known this, but do we know God’s love and His will for us that was actually hidden behind the birth of the Lord Jesus? And how should we approach Christmas in a way that is after the Lord’s heart?

The Lord Jesus Was Born Because of God’s Love and Salvation of Mankind

In the beginning, Jehovah worked in the form of the Spirit amongst man, He used Moses to proclaim His laws and commandments, He guided mankind how to live on earth, He let people know what was good and what was evil, how to worship God, and so on. But when the Age of Law was coming to its end, because mankind was being corrupted by Satan ever more deeply, man could not adhere to the laws and there were no longer enough sin offerings they could make that could expiate their sins; people faced the danger of being condemned and sentenced to death by the laws at any time. God couldn’t bear to see mankind, which He’d made with His own hands, be destroyed in such a way. To allow mankind to survive, therefore, God came down from heaven and incarnated as the Lord Jesus Christ, He appeared and performed His works, He expressed the way of “Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand” (Matthew 4:17), He taught people to be tolerant, patient and to love their enemies, and to forgive people seventy times seven times. He also healed the sick and cast out demons, and performed many signs and wonders and, in the end, He was nailed to the cross, thus redeeming mankind from their sins. So long as we accept the Lord Jesus as our Savior and sincerely pray to the Lord, confessing our sins and repenting, then our sins are forgiven, and we can enjoy peace, joy and all the abundance of grace that comes from the Lord. It can be said that, only because the Lord Jesus was born and God personally incarnated to perform the work of redemption, was mankind able to evade the condemnation and the fetters of the law, and so was no longer subject to being condemned or sentenced to death. Only because the Lord Jesus was born, those who followed Him were able to enjoy real peace and joy. Even more so, only because the Lord Jesus was born, and the Spirit of God materialized in an ordinary body, using the language of mankind to speak His utterances, do we know more clearly from the Lord’s words God’s will and His requirements for man, we can have a newer, higher practice, and our relationship with God can be ever closer. That which lay behind the Lord Jesus’ coming to earth, His expressing the truthand completing the work of the crucifixion, was filled with God’s painstaking efforts to save mankind—it was God’s love and mercy toward us corrupted mankind!

The Church of Almighty God,Eastern Lightning,God’s words
What Is the Meaning of Christmas, and Are You Truly Worshiping the Lord Jesus?

What the Lord Jesus’ Will and Requirements for Us Are

Although, when the Lord Jesus concluded the work of redemption, He resurrected and ascended into heaven, in order to remember His birth, many people organize evening parties at Christmas, they put on performances and celebrate the Lord Jesus’ birth. But have we ever been aware of what the meaning of Christmas is, and what the Lord Jesus’ will and requirements for us are? What exactly should we do to satisfy God and to earn His praise?

The Lord Jesus said: “The hour comes, when you shall neither in this mountain, nor yet at Jerusalem, worship the Father. … But the hour comes, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeks such to worship him” (John 4:21, 23). We understand from the Lord Jesus’ words that the Lord hopes for us to worship God in spirit and in truth, and not rigidly adhere to all manner of formalities or get involved in activities. The Pharisees, chief priests and scribes in the temple in olden days focused only on engaging in various religious ceremonies and clinging to rules. Every day, they made offerings to worship God, but they paid little heed to putting God’s words into practice, nor did they follow Jehovah’s commandments, so much so that they even abandoned God’s commandments and adhered only to the traditions of man. In the end, not only did they not earn God’s praise, but they were hated and cursed by the Lord Jesus. If churches now hold big Christmas celebrations, it’s just a momentary flourish of excitement; everyone gathers together in joy and happiness, but we don’t truly worship the Lord, or use this opportunity to understand His will or gain knowledge of Him, and so we won’t receive the Lord Jesus’ approval. In fact, from when the Lord Jesus officially began His work to when He completed His work of redemption, He expressed many truths and laid many requirements on us. The Lord’s will is to hope that we will all focus on putting His words into practice, and keep to His teachings at all times, in all places, no matter what issues or people we may encounter. This is what the Lord requires of us, and it is the most fundamental principle of practice for those of us who believe in God. Just as the Lord Jesus said: “If you continue in my word, then are you my disciples indeed” (John 8:31), “You are my friends, if you do whatever I command you” (John 15:14). It can therefore be seen that, in our normal lives and in our dealings with other people, it is of the utmost importance to focus on practicing in accordance with the Lord’s words, for this is something which those who genuinely believe in God and worship God must achieve most of all.

The Church of Almighty God,Eastern Lightning,God’s words
What Is the Meaning of Christmas, and Are You Truly Worshiping the Lord Jesus?
Are We Truly Worshiping the Lord?

Now, many brothers and sisters come to church at Christmas to celebrate the Lord Jesus’ birth, to pray together, read the Bible together, and to sing the Lord’s praises together. But the rest of the time, we’re busy with our own jobs and careers or with interacting with other people. Very seldom do we quieten ourselves before the Lord and pray-read His words or seek to understand His will. Some brothers and sisters often attend meetings, but they seldom practice and experience the Lord’s words in their lives, they still live in sin, and their sins grow apace. For example, the Lord Jesus requires that we be humble and mild, but as we get along and work together with co-workers and with brothers and sisters in the church, we are dominated by our arrogant dispositions, we see our own views and ideas as perfect and we defend ourselves, and we are incapable of getting along peaceably with others. The Lord Jesus requires that we learn to forgive others and to love others as we love ourselves. But when others infringe upon our interests, we feel aggrieved, so much so that we live within the poisonous dispositions of Satan, and we judge and condemn other people. The Lord Jesus requires that we set ourselves apart from worldly people, but in our pursuit of worldly fame, status and physical pleasures, we follow the evil trends of the world, we live in sin and we grow farther and farther apart from the Lord. These are just a few examples of how we fail to live up to the Lord’s requirements. Although we place a lot of importance on keeping religious ceremonies, and we focus on being thankful for the Lord’s salvation and we praise the Lord on the specific days of various holidays, yet we do not follow the Lord’s way and we often live in sin. Is this how we worship the Lord Jesus? Can the Lord truly praise us for this? Take when parents raise their child to be an adult, for example. If the child is truly sensible and filial, they will take care to know what their parents like and what they don’t like, and whenever they do anything for their parents, they will always know what to do to please them. But if all they do is hold a big banquet on their parents’ birthdays, and just say, “I love you, mom and dad!” and when their parents really need them, they’re too busy with their own lives to fulfill their filial responsibilities, can they be said to be truly filial?

How to Conform to God’s Will and Earn His Praise

The Church of Almighty God,Eastern Lightning,God’s words
What Is the Meaning of Christmas, and Are You Truly Worshiping the Lord Jesus?
If we want to become people who truly worship God and earn His praise, the key is to practice in accordance with God’s words, to exalt God in our hearts, to focus on following the Lord’s way in all things, to put the Lord’s words first, and to use what we actually live out to bear testimony to God and glorify God. Of course, some brothers and sisters gather together at Christmas to sing hymns and praise the Lord, to exchange with each other our experiences and knowledge of practicing the Lord’s words in our lives, to support and help each other resolve issues in our spiritual lives, and to close the distance between ourselves and God, and this also conforms with God’s will. Moreover, when Christmas is approaching, there are now many western countries which organize charitable events for persecuted Christians and homeless people, and which gather together people in search of shelter and persecuted Christian refugees from all over the world so that they can exchange experiences with each other, thus enabling them to feel God’s warmth in the freezing cold of winter. These are also things which God shall remember. In short, the holiday itself is not important and all the various ceremonies are not important. What are most important are the Lord Jesus’ words and the things He requires of us. To be able to have a God-fearing heart and to seek the Lord’s will in all things, to practice the Lord’s words and to satisfy the Lord by meeting His requirements—this is what is most important. Only by practicing in this way do we truly worship the Lord Jesus and earn His praise.

Thanks be to the enlightenment and guidance of God, and may He be with us all!

The Church of Almighty God | Bye Bye, Games!

The Church of Almighty God | Bye Bye, Games!


Hello everybody! Online games are one of the trends that are present in society these days. Many young people are deeply addicted to these games. Those that are harmed by these games also know that playing these games brings all sorts of negative consequences to their future prospects and their families. However, no matter what, they are unable to break free. Just how can they thoroughly break free from these games? Next, we will listen to Brother Zhangjin share about his experience. Afterward, from what he shares with us, you will be able to find the answers you need.

Best Christian Dance | Second Coming of Jesus | Worship Song "Christ's Kingdom Is Realized Among Men"

Best Christian Dance | Second Coming of Jesus | Worship Song "Christ's Kingdom Is Realized Among Men"


Almighty God incarnate appears in the last days in the East, just like a righteous sun arising; mankind has seen the true light appear. The righteous and majestic, loving and merciful God humbly hides among men, issuing truth, speaking and working. Almighty God is face-to-face with us. The God you thirsted for, the God I waited for, today appears to us practically. We sought the truth, we yearned for righteousness; truth and righteousness have come among men. You love God, I love God; mankind is so full of renewed hope. Peoples obey, nations worship the practical God incarnate.

A Clean Break With the Past

A Clean Break With the Past

Fangfang, China

Although the people from the religious community didn’t come to bother me again, the church leaders still continued to incite my folks to harass me. Every few days they would come over to my house to urge me to change my mind, and they always insisted that I go over to the leader’s place to “repent.” One day, my folks came over and my father tried to use a passage from the Bible to deceive me while my mother stood to one side and tearfully pleaded with me to go to the leader’s place to “repent.” It really upset me to see my mother so sad. I thought about how she had lost her mother at the age of 3 and was then abused by her stepmother.

Eastern Lightning | A Clean Break With the Past

A Clean Break With the Past


At first I thought that handing the book of God’s words back to Sister Zhang would mean that my father would stop harassing me and that the tranquil life I once had would resume. In fact, things turned out just the opposite: Not only didn’t I find peace in my heart, I actually felt an inexplicable emptiness there. I was lackluster in whatever I did, and the words of Almighty God and the hymns of God’s words kept finding their way into my head at all times of day and night.

Rapture must be based on God’s words and not on the conceptions and imagination of man.

Rapture must be based on God’s words and not on the conceptions and imagination of man.

1. Rapture must be based on God’s words and not on the conceptions and imagination of man.

The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, God’s words
Rapture must be based on God’s words and not on the conceptions and imagination of man.

Bible Verses for Reference:

“Our Father which are in heaven, Hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come, Your will be done in earth, as it is in heaven”(Mat 6:9-10).
“And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven…. Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God” (Rev 21:2-3).
“The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever” (Rev 11:15).
“And no man has ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven, even the Son of man which is in heaven” (Jhn 3:13).

God Helps Me Overcome Jealousy That Poisons Friendship

God Helps Me Overcome Jealousy That Poisons Friendship

a director is writing

Establishing the Friendship
Innovation is a large publisher which issues various weekly magazines that contain celebrity columns, and has an elite group of staff.
Zhang Di worked for this company as an editor. Because of her excellent writing ability, she was kind of a celebrity in the company who had both the admiration of her colleagues and the recognition of her director. As a Christian, she, while proud of her achievement, firmly believed that it was God who granted her such gift.

Stepparenting Is So Easy Under Guidance of God’s Words

Stepparenting Is So Easy Under Guidance of God’s Words

At the mention of stepmother, it is synonymous with malice, callousness, and badness. Every time I saw a stepmother abused her stepchild, I always felt very miserable. These children were pitiful enough when they lost their moms, while they had to suffer the stepmother’s abuse. Then I thought: If I were a stepmother, I would never act like them. Even though I don’t like the stepchild, I’ll certainly not harm him. I’ll absolutely not be synonymous with a malicious stepmother but show everyone a totally different stepmother.

Examine My Life Anew After Being Betrayed by Husband

Examine My Life Anew After Being Betrayed by Husband

A Previous Abundant and Blissful Family

When I was 21, through the introduction of my friend, I got acquainted with my husband. He treated people very sincerely and was very competent, and we got married a year later. Soon after our marriage, our daughter was born, and my husband treated us very well. Not rich as our life was, I felt very happy. In order to live a better life, we rented a stand in a free market of agricultural products to retail and wholesale marine food products. Every day, I bought stock and sent the goods from dawn till dusk, and I ran the business while taking care of my daughter. Because of bearing the pressure of trade for a long time, I slept badly and I got a migraine, low blood pressure, and hypoglycemia when I was 26. Yet I thought it was worth it for this family. Seeing that I suffered with him, my husband felt uneasy, so we decided to give up the business after discussion.

Eastern Lightning | The “Rural” Mom Meets the “Urban” Daughter-in-Law

The “Rural” Mom Meets the “Urban” Daughter-in-Law

Liu Jie, Hunan

Different Viewpoints, Constant Conflicts

The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, the truth.
The “Rural” Mom Meets the “Urban” Daughter-in-Law
I am a typical housewife, a good wife and a loving mother, I take good care of my husband and children, I’m hardworking and thrifty in running my household, and I’ve never recklessly spent my money. But something unimaginable happened to me. My son married a fashionable girl who really loved to have fun and dress up and follow the trends of the world. She pursued and purchased whatever was popular in the world, she threw away money by the handful, and however much she made each month was however much she spent. Since there was such a huge difference in our ways of thinking and living, my daughter-in-law and I often would be at loggerheads, we got into angry arguments, and our problems continued to get more and more intense.

Eastern Lightning | How Can My Young, Brash, and Arrogant Self Get Along With My Grandmother?

How Can My Young, Brash, and Arrogant Self Get Along With My Grandmother?

An Qi

My name is An Qi. Before the age of six, I was living at my grandmother’s house. At the time, my grandmother was the person with whom I felt closest to. Each day when I went to the kindergarten, my grandmother decided which clothes I would wear and how I would comb my hair. I felt that my grandmother did these things the best. Gradually, I grew up and I started to disapprove of some of the things that my grandmother did. My grandmother also started to disapprove of me as well. Each time I went to her house, she would scold me. If she wasn’t nagging me on one thing, she would be nagging me about something else. I felt very upset.

Almighty God’s Work Has Caused Us to Walk the Same Path as Husband and Wife

Almighty God’s Work Has Caused Us to Walk the Same Path as Husband and Wife

Liu Xue, Henan Province

Almighty God’s Work Has Caused Us to Walk the Same Path as Husband and Wife

In 1991, since we were enduring the hardships of family conflict, my husband and I believed in the Lord Jesus together. From then on, we no longer quarreled. We read the Bible and attended gatherings together very zealously. Not long afterward, my husband left the Three-Self Church and switched over to the Stream of Recovery. In regards to the matter of my husband switching denominations, I did not mind. I believed that as long as we believed in one God, it did not matter which denomination we belonged to.

Eastern Lightning / The Awakening of a Deceived Spirit (Part 2)

The Awakening of a Deceived Spirit (Part 2)

Yuan Zhi, Brazil

Opening Up My Heart and Seeing the Lord’s Face

The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, pray
 The Awakening of a Deceived Spirit (Part 2)

At night, while I am tossing and turning restlessly in bed, I think, “I must find Sister Yang, whom I have blacklisted. If I can find her, I would definitely be able to find Brother Zhang from The Church of Almighty God. I recall that Sister Yang is someone who truly believes in God. All along, she has investigated the work of Almighty God in the last days. Right now, she should have already understood a lot. I want to know how her investigation is coming along. Through the help of some friends, two days later, with difficulty, I found Sister Yang’s Facebook account. I was glad that she was not angry at me for blocking her. After I contacted her, she told me that she had already investigated things quite clearly. Almighty God is the return of Jesus. She also happily connected me with Brother Zhang.

Rapture must be based on God’s words and not on the conceptions and imagination of man

Eastern Lightning,eternal life,the last days
Rapture must be based on God’s words and not on the conceptions and imagination of man

Rapture must be based on God’s words and not on the conceptions and imagination of man

 Bible Verses for Reference:

“Our Father which are in heaven, Hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come, Your will be done in earth, as it is in heaven”(Mat 6:9-10).
“And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven…. Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God” (Rev 21:2-3).
“The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever” (Rev 11:15).
“And no man has ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven, even the Son of man which is in heaven” (Jhn 3:13).

Living abroad, we are quite busy with our work and with things at home and sometimes we don’t have time to read God’s words or attend meetings. I feel that this is not putting God first, however, and I feel in my heart that I owe God. I’d like to ask how we can find a better balance between our work, our families and seeking the truth?

Living abroad, we are quite busy with our work and with things at home and sometimes we don’t have time to read God’s words or attend meetings. I feel that this is not putting God first, however, and I feel in my heart that I owe God. I’d like to ask how we can find a better balance between our work, our                                families and seeking the truth?

Bible Verses for Reference:
For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul? (Mak 8:36-37).
And he said to his disciples, Therefore I say to you, Take no thought for your life, what you shall eat; neither for the body, what you shall put on. The life is more than meat, and the body is more than raiment (Luk 12:22-23).

God’s Words Have Awakened Me | The Church of Almighty God

The Church of Almighty God,Eastern Lightning,bible study
God’s Words Have Awakened Me

God’s Words Have Awakened Me

Miao Xiao    Jinan City, Shandong Province
In the past, I used to always think that when God said “a puppet and traitor who flees from the great white throne” He was referring to those who accept this stage of work but end up retreating because they are unwilling to bear the suffering of His chastisement and judgment. Therefore, whenever I saw brothers and sisters back out from this path for whatever reason, my heart would be filled with contempt toward them: There goes another puppet and traitor fleeing from the great white throne who shall receive God’s punishment. At the same time, I felt I was behaving properly in accepting God’s judgment and was not far from receiving God’s salvation.

Praise Song | "Almighty God, You Are So Glorious" (Music Video)

The last Christ, Almighty God, You are the Redeemer come again.

You speak to the people, using the truth to judge and purify them.

Your words bear authority and power, purifying people’s corrupt disposition.

Your words reveal omnipotence, and even more God’s righteousness.

Gospel Movie Clip "Who Is He That Has Returned" (7) - Testimonies of Experiencing Judgment Before the Seat of Christ

Gospel Movie Clip "Who Is He That Has Returned" (7) - Testimonies of Experiencing Judgment Before the Seat of Christ