4 Without God’s Salvation I Would Not Have Today

4 Without God’s Salvation I Would Not Have Today

by Zhang Jin

(from Bangezhuang Church in Fangshan Small District, Beijing District)

The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, Church

Without God’s Salvation I Would Not Have Today

I’m an elderly sister with bad legs. I have some difficulty in walking even in fine days, but when the floodwaters were about to swallow me, God took me out of danger miraculously.

On July 21, 2012, it rained heavily. I happened to perform my duty away from home. It was still raining at about 4 p.m.. After the meeting, I went home by bus in the rain. When I was on the bus, it rained more and more heavily. When the bus arrived at a place which was a stop away from my house, the driver said to the passengers, “The bus can’t go any further, for there is a landslide ahead.” I had no choice but to get off and walk the distance of one stop. At that time, I dared not leave God and kept praying in my heart. As it rained so heavily, the road had been flooded. I moved step by step by holding on to the cement pillars on the roadside, trying to go forward. Just then, I heard someone behind shouting, “Don’t go forward. Turn back at once. You can’t get through. The current is deep and swift. I can’t save you if you are washed away!” But at this point I couldn’t go forward nor turn back, because the water had risen to my chest. I dared not go forward anymore, and had to pray to God, asking God to make a way out for me. “O God! This circumstance comes upon me with Your permission. Whether I will live or die is in Your hand. If the water goes down by half a foot, I can go forward. May God act according to Your will. I’m willing to commit my life to You!” After praying, I felt very peaceful in my heart. God’s words rang in my ears, “The heavens and earth and all things were formed and stood fast through the words from My mouth. Nothing is impossible for Me.” God’s words gave me faith and courage. Since the heavens and the earth and all things are in God’s hand, the flood, however merciless, can’t escape from the orchestration of God’s hand. Now it is useless to rely on man, and none of my son, daughter … can help me. I believe that there is no difficulty I can’t tide over if I rely on God. Just then, a miracle happened. The current became slower and slower, not as swift as before, and the cement pillars on the roadside appeared gradually. The water, as expected, went down by half a foot below my chest. Thus, I walked out step by step under God’s leading. Without God’s grace and keeping, I would have been washed away by the flood to nowhere. At that time, I gave thanks and praises from my heart. Thank God for giving me a second life.
Later I heard my son describe the scene in the rain: That day, my son first went to the outhouse after coming back from performing his duty. He had scarcely come out of the outhouse when he heard a crash from outside. He went out and saw that the outhouse totally collapsed because of the flood. Without God’s keeping, he would have died. As God’s word says, “… any and all things, living or dead, will shift, change, renew, and disappear according to God’s thoughts. …” I was beside myself with excitement, which I couldn’t express in words.
Through these two matters, my faith becomes stronger. Today, God allows me to survive in the disaster just to let me testify for Him. I can’t be conscienceless. In retrospect, while performing my duty, I was selfish and base, had too much will of my own, and didn’t worry what God worries and think what God thinks. From now on, I’m willing to repent and bring more people to God with my personal experience, contributing my share to the gospel work.
August 16, 2012
Source: A Hundred Questions and Answers on Investigating the True Way

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